Audiensi bersama Wakil Walikota Pasuruan - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Municipality

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Audiensi bersama Wakil Walikota Pasuruan

Audiensi bersama Wakil Walikota Pasuruan

January 20, 2022 | Other Activities

Sahabat Data...

Thursday (20/1), the Head of Pasuruan BPS had the opportunity to hold an Audience with the Deputy Mayor of Pasuruan, Mr. Adi Wibowo, S.T.P., M.Si. Also present on this occasion were the Head of the Office of Communication, Informatics and Statistics of Pasuruan City, Mr. Kokoh Arie Hidayat, S.E, S.Sos, M.M.

At the meeting, the Head of BPS Pasuruan City (Ms. Sri Kadarwati, S.Si, MT) conveyed the Main Performance Indicators (IKU) of BPS Pasuruan City in 2022, namely related to sectoral statistics development, Cinta Statistik (Beautiful) urban village development, One Indonesian Data (SDI) and Bureaucratic Reform.

In addition, at that moment, the head of BPS Pasuruan City also submitted several outputs of the latest publications that have been released by BPS City of Pasuruan, including: People's Welfare Statistics 2021, Business Activity Survey Results during the Covid-19 Pandemic Period and the latest Official Statistics News. It is hoped that these data can be useful and become input for the Pasuruan City Government in evaluating and planning development in Pasuruan City.

The Deputy Mayor also fully supports all Pasuruan BPS activities in order to obtain strategic data for development purposes in Pasuruan City.

Hopefully this positive synergy will continue to be maintained to support the development of a better Pasuruan City.

Salam PIA.

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