PeduliLindungi Hadir di BPS Kota Pasuruan - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Municipality

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PeduliLindungi Hadir di BPS Kota Pasuruan

PeduliLindungi Hadir di BPS Kota Pasuruan

November 17, 2021 | Other Activities

PASURUAN – Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has been haunting Indonesian people for approximately two years. The existence of this pandemic makes people to make peace with new life habits. Wearing masks, maintaining distance, staying away from crowds, reducing mobility, and washing hands or using hand sanitizers, better known as 5M, are habits that people must do today. However, the 5M lifestyle alone is not enough. The government urges the public to install the PeduliLindung application on their smartphones.

PeduliLindung is an application for tracking COVID-19 developed by the Indonesian government. PeduliLindung has been implemented in various locations, from hotels, shopping centers (malls), schools, to government offices. This is also done by the Central Bureau of Statistics of Pasuruan City by providing a quick response code (QR code) PeduliLindung. This step was taken to minimize the spread of COVID-19 in the Pasuruan City BPS environment. Visitors are required to check-in by scanning the QR Code when entering the Pasuruan City BPS. Here's how to do a QR code scan:

1. Make sure the latest version of the Cares Protect application is installed. If it is not installed, it can be downloaded via the Google Play Store for Android and the App Store for iOS;

2. Open the PeduliLindung application and make sure the global positioning system (GPS) is activated;

3. The options for “Indonesian Citizens” or “Foreign Citizens” can be adjusted according to their respective conditions;

4. Enter with the telephone number or electronic mail address (e-mail) that has been registered. If you don't have an account, you can create an account first;

5. Click "Scan QR Code" (position at the top) then point the camera at the QR code that has been provided.

After scanning, a color will appear indicating that visitors can visit BPS Pasuruan City or not. If the green color appears, then visitors can enter the Pasuruan City BPS. On the other hand, if a color other than green appears, visitors should not be allowed to enter the Pasuruan BPS.

This QR Code is intended so that every visitor, whether organic BPS, partners, or guests can be monitored or tracked while inside or out of BPS Pasuruan City.
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