Thanksgiving and Farewell at the End of 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Municipality

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Thanksgiving and Farewell at the End of 2021

Thanksgiving and Farewell at the End of 2021

January 3, 2022 | Other Activities

Friday (31/12) afternoon at the end of 2021 BPS Pasuruan City held a thanksgiving and prayer together. Located on the 2nd floor meeting room, this event was attended by all Pasuruan City BPS employees, both ASN and PPNPN as well as PKL students.

This thanksgiving and prayer is a form of expression of gratitude for health, safety and fluency in carrying out tasks during 2021. In addition, prayers and hopes are pinned down in 2022. Hopefully the various achievements that have been achieved during 2021 by BPS Kota Pasuruan can be a trigger enthusiasm to continue to improve for the better in 2022.

At this moment, it is also a farewell event for the Statistical Coordinator of the Gadingrejo Sub-district (Mr. Didik Hartono) who has been transferred to the Malang Regency BPS from January 2022. After approximately 30 years of serving at BPS Pasuruan City, of course, many contributions and moments of togetherness and kinship were created with him.

Thank you Mr. Didik Hartono for his dedication and service so far. Congratulations on fulfilling your new mandate at BPS Malang Regency, keep your spirit and always healthy.

Even though the body will be separated by distance, the rope of friendship should not be broken by time.

Salam PIA.
Badan Pusat Statistik

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