Training for Special Survey Officers for the 2021 Expenditure Balance BPS Pasuruan City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Municipality

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Training for Special Survey Officers for the 2021 Expenditure Balance BPS Pasuruan City

Training for Special Survey Officers for the 2021 Expenditure Balance BPS Pasuruan City

June 25, 2021 | BPS Activities

On 23 and 24 June 2021, BPS Kota Pasuruan conducted a special survey on the expenditure balance. The training lasted for 2 days through online media which discussed various types of special surveys for the Balance of Expenditures. The training was guided by a Regional Instructor (Dewi Mayasari S.Si, M.E) who came from BPS Pasuruan City.

The results of the survey data collection will be used to support the calculation of GRDP according to Expenditures at the Pasuruan City BPS. After this training, it is hoped that all participants will be able to understand all the concepts and techniques in the enumeration of various special surveys so that quality data will be obtained. (Rohmi-Nerwil)
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