NGOBRAS (Ngobrol Angka Statistik) Aplikasi Cakep Manis - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Municipality

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NGOBRAS (Ngobrol Angka Statistik) Aplikasi Cakep Manis

NGOBRAS (Ngobrol Angka Statistik) Aplikasi Cakep Manis

November 14, 2021 | Other Activities

Thursday (11/11), Ngobras  (Ngobrol Angka Statistik) took the theme "Effectiveness and Accountability of Employee Performance with Cakep Manis". This tutorial talkshow was guided by Annisa Rohmi, SST, M.Sc and presented a resource person who is the creator of the CAKEP MANIS application, namely Indra Dwi Wicaksono. The resource persons are alumni of the Statistical Polytechnic STIS Jakarta in the statistical computing study program with an interest in data science and are currently carrying out an internship program at the BPS of Pasuruan City since November 1, 2021.

This activity aims to provide a tutorial on how to use the CAKEP MANIS application as well as to present an alternative preparation of CKP (employee performance achievements) that is easier, faster and more efficient.

For more details, #datafriends can access the Pasuruan BPS youtube page via the link
Salam PIA

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