NGOBRAS (Ngobrol Angka Statistik) Episode 4, Potret Ketenagakerjaan Kota Pasuruan Tahun 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Municipality

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NGOBRAS (Ngobrol Angka Statistik) Episode 4, Potret Ketenagakerjaan Kota Pasuruan Tahun 2021

NGOBRAS (Ngobrol Angka Statistik) Episode 4, Potret Ketenagakerjaan Kota Pasuruan Tahun 2021

November 26, 2021 | Other Activities

Friday (11/26), the Ngobras (Ngobrol Angka Statistik) took the theme of the 2021 Pasuruan Employment Portrait. This talkshow was hosted by Annisa Rohmi, SST, M.Sc and presented resource persons who were Young Expert Statistics for the social statistics function of the Pasuruan City Central Statistics Agency, Juharin Mufida Imawati SST

In this NGOBRAS, data friends in Pasuruan City or data friends who want to know reviews related to the employment portrait of Pasuruan City in 2021 can watch the full show on the Pasuruan BPS youtube via the link

Salam PIA


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