Launching Aplikasi "CAKEP MANIS" - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Municipality

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Launching Aplikasi "CAKEP MANIS"

Launching Aplikasi "CAKEP MANIS"

December 23, 2021 | Other Activities

The Central Bureau of Statistics of Pasuruan City launched the CAKEP MANIS application (Automatic and dynamic employee performance achievement) on Thursday (23/12). This application was compiled and developed by Indra Dwi Wicaksono, S. Tr. Stats of interns from the Statistical Polytechnic of STIS Jakarta with guidance from BPS employees of Pasuruan City, namely Mohammad Lail Kurniawan S.Si, M.M and Sasono Widoyoko SST.

The CAKEP MANIS application aims to facilitate the preparation of CKP (Employee Performance Achievements) and has been integrated with the internal application of the Integrated Administration, Finance and Activity Design System (SATE KERANG) from the BPS Pasuruan City. It is hoped that with this application, the preparation of employee CKP each month becomes easier, more effective and efficient. (Rohmi-Nerwil)
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