completing the 2019 HSN event at BPS, Kecuk immediately rushed to the
Sari Pan hotel on M.H Thamrin Street, Central Jakarta (26/9). This is to
fulfill the invitation from the Ministry of Politics and Security in
order to launch the Indonesian Democratic Index (IDI) book in 2018.
of Kemenkopolhukam (Sesmenkopolhukam), Letjend. TNI. Tri Soewandono who
represented Menkopolhukam Wiranto who was unable to attend said that
the book was made in collaboration with BPS and the Ministry of Home
Affairs to compile indicators of democracy in each region.
description of the IDI book that we are launching today, shows that the
achievements of IDI in 2018 amounted to 72.39 or increased by 0.28
points with 2017 achievements of 72.11. So it is still in the medium
category," Tri Soewandono said.
must be admitted that Indonesian democracy today still faces many
challenges. Challenges that must be resolved include the strengthening
of freedom of speech and strengthening the capacity of institutional
quality of democracy portrayed by IDI is not merely a measure of
government performance, but also of the general public. For that reason,
efforts to correct problems or maintain Indonesia's democratic climate
are our shared responsibility," said Kecuk while doing a doorstop with
media partners. Furthermore Kecuk hopes that the media partners provide
straight and enlightening news, so that the public can receive true and
balanced news rather than hoaks.