ProdukcDomestic Regional Bruto Pasuruan Municipality Year 2014-2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Municipality

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ProdukcDomestic Regional Bruto Pasuruan Municipality Year 2014-2018

Release Date : July 1, 2019
File Size : 1.4 MB


The value of PDRB at Current Prices (ADHB) of Pasuruan City in 2018 reached 7.73 trillion rupiahs, this value increased compared to 2014 which amounted to 5.35 trillion rupiahs. Whereas the value of GDP at Constant Prices (ADHK) in 2018 also increased, from 4.56 trillion rupiah in 2014 to 5.65 trillion rupiah in 2018. This increase in GRDP both in terms of DHB and ADHK reflects increasing activity economy in the area of Pasuruan Municipality.
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