Pencanangan Kelurahan Cinta Statistik 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Municipality

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Pencanangan Kelurahan Cinta Statistik 2023

Pencanangan Kelurahan Cinta Statistik 2023

September 20, 2023 | Other Activities

Hi Data Friends
Wednesday (20/9), Pasuruan City BPS held the launch of the 2023 Love Statistics Village (Kelurahan Cantik) in conjunction with the Socialization of Complete Data Collection on Cooperatives, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (PL-KUMKM). The Cantik Village launch event was carried out symbolically by the Mayor of Pasuruan, Drs. H. Saifullah Yusuf to 4 selected sub-districts. The target villages for Cantik Village in 2023 are Randusari Village, Purworejo Village, Krampyangan Village, and Bangilan Village. Also presented were the results of collaboration between BPS Pasuruan City and PGRI Wiranegara University as part of the Statistics Corner in producing more informative sub-district profile data.
Hopefully the collaboration between the Pasuruan City Government and Pasuruan City BPS can work together to produce better data governance.
#beautiful village
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