Mitra Statistik Kecamatan Gadingrejo BPS Kota Pasuruan Berbagi Takjil dan Leaflet SP2020-Lanjutan - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Municipality

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Mitra Statistik Kecamatan Gadingrejo BPS Kota Pasuruan Berbagi Takjil dan Leaflet SP2020-Lanjutan

Mitra Statistik Kecamatan Gadingrejo BPS Kota Pasuruan Berbagi Takjil dan Leaflet SP2020-Lanjutan

April 18, 2022 | Other Activities

Friday (14/4), the Statistical Partner of Gadingrejo Sub-district, BPS-Statistics of Pasuruan City, also enlivened the activities in the month of Ramadan by sharing takjil with the community. The activity, which took place in front of the Pasuruan City BPS office, was a joint initiative of the Statistical Partners Association of Gadingrejo District.

On this occasion, Friends of the Statistical Partners of Gadingrejo also distributed leaflets regarding the 2020 Population Census Advanced (SP2020) activities in the hope of socializing and providing information about the Advanced SP2020 activities which will take place in May-June 2022 to the public.

Thank you Mitra Statistik Gadingrejo, may your good intentions be blessed by Him. Keep synergizing and keep cohesive always.

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