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Seleksi wawancara bagi calon Petugas Lapangan Pemutakhiran Wilayah Kerja Statistik (Wilkerstat) ST20
February 7, 2022 | BPS Activities
Monday (7/2), BPS Pasuruan City held an interview selection for prospective Statistical Work Area Update Officer (Wilkerstat) ST2023 which took place in the BPS hall of Pasuruan City by implementing a health protocol of course.
The purpose of this interview selection is to determine the commitment and ability of the prospective field officers to update the wilkerstat. One of them is related to the ability to read maps, both analog and digital maps and the use of their own mobile devices.
It is hoped that with the face-to-face interview selection, officers will be obtained who have the commitment and ability needed in Wilkerstat activities later.