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Silastik Kecamatan Panggungrejo
February 4, 2022 | Other Activities
Hello Data Friends...
At the end of this week (4/2), SILASTIK Activities (Greeting and Establishing Silaturahmi with Statistical Partners) are back. This time, the Head of Pasuruan BPS, Mrs. Sri Kadarwati, S.Si, MT had the opportunity to greet statistical partners in the Panggungrejo District. On this occasion, the Chairperson explained the various outputs produced and the benefits resulting from statistical activities involving statistical partners in the data collection process.
Related to this, the statistical partner of Pasuruan City must have a commitment and responsibility for all statistical activities that are followed, both in terms of the schedule and the quality of the data produced.
It was seen that Panggungrejo's statistical partners were enthusiastic in participating in this event, hopefully this SILASTIK activity will increase the enthusiasm of Panggungrejo's statistical partners to continue to explore and hone their competence in carrying out statistical activities at BPS Pasuruan City.