Implementation of One Indonesian Data Through Triadical Guidelines for Metadata and Data Standars - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Municipality

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Implementation of One Indonesian Data Through Triadical Guidelines for Metadata and Data Standars

Implementation of One Indonesian Data Through Triadical Guidelines for Metadata and Data Standars

June 18, 2020 | Other Activities

The covid-19 pandemic that is endemic in Indonesia does not dampen the spirit of BPS as a Statistics Trustee to conduct statistics coaching at the central level up to the district / city level. In the context of strengthening metadata and data standards, data officers as units in central and regional agencies carry out data collection, inspection and management activities, and disseminate data, on 15 June 2020 an Entry Meeting is held. Entry Meeting activities are in the framework of testing the standard metadata and data standards. BPS as the Trustee of statistical data in collaboration with the SDI secretariat (Bappenas) invited 8 related Ministries to jointly unite their views regarding metadata and data standards as part of the principle of one Indonesian data.

The event was opened by Oktorialdi as the coordinator of the One Level Indonesia Data Center. "The current condition of the data is in a standardized format, there is no metadata, it is stored in each data producer, and many overlaps form the basis of strengthening the One Data principle," Octto explained in his opening remarks. Data principles include data standards, standard metadata, interoperability, and reference codes / Master Data. Meanwhile, Ari Nugraha as the person in charge of the BPS SDI Implementation Team explained in his presentation that the compilation of statistical data standards, the preparation of standard metadata, the development of statistics, providing statistical activity recommendations, and the use of reference codes are steps that have been carried out by BPS as a follow-up to SDI .

Pudji Ismartini as the head of the SDI BPS metadata field explained in his presentation that the trial standard of data standards and standard metadata is a series of activities from the determination of legal products through regulatory bodies, so that in the future the standard technical data and metadata standards can be implemented well by the data officers and data producers at the Ministry / Institution both at the Central and Regional level. Although the event was conducted through an online meeting, it seems that it did not reduce the enthusiasm of the data officers to proactively carry out discussions related to the metadata and data standards generated by statistical activities carried out in their respective Ministries.

The trial of the data standards and statistical metadata for the eight SDI pioneering ministries, the SDI pilot, and the SDG indicator indicators are expected to be an effective venue for testing the readiness of the technical guidelines that have been built. The trial process is important to carry out to measure the reliability of data standard and metadata attributes, and capture information on how easily the user manuals that have been prepared can be understood by users. Estuary of this activity is the readiness of various parties to be able to carry out the principle of the Indonesian Data One exactly as we both aspire.
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