Kick Off Meeting STATCAP-CERDAS - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Municipality

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February 13, 2015 | Other Activities

There is an unusual sight in the Hall Building BPS 1 floor 10. That morning, January 12, 2015, the Hall of BPS arranged in such a way for the arrival of special guests. The lobby hall was transformed with banners of various travel information STATCAP SMART from 2007 to 2014 with an eye-catching design exhibit hall of fame or travel history STATCAP SMART program. Not only banners, but also provided the marbles to put in a bowl concern (bowl of fear) in the implementation of SMART STATCAP. In addition, there is an artificial wall named as Sky of Hope where all guests and employees also BPS BPS can write their hopes for the future. The event promoted? Kick Off Meeting STATCAP SMART.

Kick Off Meeting was indeed different from the usual socialization held by BPS. You could say this event as one of the premier events in 2015 which is quite special because for the first time the Minister of National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas, Andrinof the End Chaniago present in BPS. Leadership ranks in the Board; Head of BPS period 2007-2012, Rusman Heriawan; The World Bank; representatives of international institutions; representatives of ministries / agencies; Association of statistical Indonesia (ISI); and the CPM leadership ranks attended this event.

Kick Off Meeting was indeed different from the usual socialization held by BPS. You could say this event as one of the premier events in 2015 which is quite special because for the first time the Minister of National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas, Andrinof the End Chaniago present in BPS. Leadership ranks in the Board; Head of BPS period 2007-2012, Rusman Heriawan; The World Bank; representatives of international institutions; representatives of ministries / agencies; Association of statistical Indonesia (ISI); and the CPM leadership ranks attended this event.

Head of BPS, Suryamin in his speech also said that in this INTELLIGENT STATCAP BPS will continue to move forward to transform business processes BPS originally referring to become functional silo-based oriented. Minister for National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas, the End Chaniago Andrinof appreciate that BPS has done with this SMART STATCAP program. "I see progress BPS far enough," said Andrinof. Kick off INTELLIGENT STATCAP implementation was characterized by keystrokes and cutting cone by a successful Andrinof phonation siren followed by a sign that the ranks of the BPS ready to implement STATCAP SMART.
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