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Meeting Interkementerian SE2016: SE2016 Need 620 thousand Officer
March 11, 2015 | Other Activities
Census (SE) is one of the BPS mandate as set out in the Statistics Act
No. 16 of 1997. SE has been carried out four times, namely in 1976,
1986, 1996, 2006, and will be held back in 2016. As major activities
other BPS , one of the first preparation is inviting ministries / agencies in
Preparation SE2016 Interkementerian Meeting on February 26, 2015 located
in Building 3 Floor 1. Meeting
interkementerian this time specifically invited Head of Data and
Information (Media Centre) and the Documentation and Information
Management Officer (PPID) and the subject matter involved in the SE2016.
The moderator is deputy Field Production Statistics, Adi Lumaksono and
materials on the general picture presented by the deputy SE2016
Distribution and Service Sector Statistics, Sasmito Hadi Wibowo. Meeting
was opened by the Head of BPS, Suryamin.Dalam opening, Suryamin deliver
BPS ready to accommodate suggestions and input from all relevant
ministries with the data that will be collected during the
implementation of SE2016. In
addition, the BPS also expect the support of the ministries / agencies
with helping socialize SE2016 to the business sector are becoming