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Agricultural Data Integration
June 10, 2014 | Other Activities
For the second time, BPS in cooperation with FAO and UNESCAP held a workshop related to agriculture and rural statistics. The
event titled The Second National Stakeholders Workshop on Initiation of
the Regional Action Plan to Improve Agriculture and Rural
Statisticsyang held at Hotel Borobudur on May 2, 2014 and then,
collecting various ministries / agencies and associations. This opportunity is used to explain the results of studies that have
been conducted since the implementation of the previous workshop in
December 2013. In
his presentation, Allan Nicholls, representatives of FAO and Michael
Trant, FAO consultants present the results of research findings in the
field along with a variety of data collection methods of farming in
Indonesia. Under
the guidance of Adi Lumaksono, Deputy Production Statistics, discussion
sessions run optimally in gathering additional information. One
of the agenda in this discussion is soliciting input from stakeholders
on the types of commodities that will be collected data. Various commodities of agriculture, fisheries, agriculture, forestry,
and livestock proposed by the stakeholders must be guaranteed the
continuity of the data. Tassim
Billah, Head of Data and Information System for the Ministry of
Agriculture, as one of the stakeholders, actively responding to the
in-depth discussion. The
integration of data between the ministry of agriculture as a provider
of sectoral statistics with BPS is a concern in itself. Not only that, the various plans of action as a form of global strategy began to be formulated. Dudy S. Solomon, Deputy Information Methodology and Statistics, BPS also enthusiastically welcomed this integration effort. The hope, of course, that the quality of data on agriculture in particular, and the quality of BPS data in general, the better