State Property Census : Care Movement of State Property - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Municipality

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State Property Census : Care Movement of State Property

State Property Census  : Care Movement of State Property

June 10, 2014 | BPS Activities

Another challenge in the area is for those who are doing the revitalization of the office building. The process of moving house is often left on reports of missing either because placing the move or because of the person who is too creative to secure. Or differences in the classification of goods as used in the plan put together in a building.

Not stopping there, another challenge is the stuff nonbudgeter that his form in the room. Does the owner of the goods makes the grant contract belongs to the BPS or into goods listed as third-party funds? It would be a separate record

SIMAK operator: Advanced Guard.

Yenny invites the census officials to remind all employees of BPS cooperate in the implementation of this census. In a shift of goods for example, always report on SIMAK operator, so kondiri DBR kept accurate. It should be planted that stuff this country is shared responsibility, especially for those who use the facilities. So please help us to hope Yenny orderly administration.

Pitono, Chief of the General Bureau hentihentinya not give encouragement to subordinates for the success of this activity. Although in reality grade SIMAK operators still worrying, he kept reminding that SIMAK operators shall be proud, because after all, the predicate WTP there because it depends on the accuracy of their work. Never felt the technical work that is more important than non-technical, our work is just as important to progress firmly Pitono BPS. There is an interesting slogan delivered Pitono in principle work, he packed it in designation 4S, work hard, work smart, work completed and work with sincerity.
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