The Fishermen's Exchange Rate (NTN) of Jawa Timur for June 2023 is 100.10 or down 1.27 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Municipality

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The Fishermen's Exchange Rate (NTN) of Jawa Timur for June 2023 is 100.10 or down 1.27 percent

Release Date : July 3, 2023
File Size : 1.17 MB


  • The Fishermen's Exchange Rate (NTN) is a comparison of the price index received by fishermen (It) to the price index paid by fishermen (Ib).
  • NTN is one indicator to see the level of ability/purchasing power of fishermen. NTN also shows the terms of trade of capture fisheries products with goods and services consumed as well as for production costs.
  • The East Java Fishermen Exchange Rate (NTN) for June 2023 fell 1.27 percent from 101.39 in May 2023 to 100.10 in June 2023.
  • The development of NTN in June 2023 against December 2022 (calendar year) fell by 2.34 percent. The development of NTN in June 2023 compared to June 2022 (year on year) fell by 3.60 percent.
  • Of the six provinces in Java that are calculating NTN in June 2023, three provinces have experienced an increase in NTN, and three provinces have experienced a decrease in NTN. DI Yogyakarta Province was the province that experienced the highest increase in NTN, which was 2.14 percent, followed by West Java Province, up 0.40 percent, and Banten Province, up 0.14 percent. Those that experienced a decrease in NTN were Central Java Province which decreased by 0.18 percent, DKI Jakarta Province decreased by 0.50 percent, and East Java Province which experienced a decrease of 1.27 percent.
  • In May 2023 the Household Consumption Index (IKRT) in East Java rose by 0.39 percent, as did the Production Cost Index and Additional Capital Goods (BPPBM) which increased by 0.09 percent.
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