East Java Inflation on April 2022 were 1.05 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Municipality

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East Java Inflation on April 2022 were 1.05 percent

Release Date : May 10, 2022
File Size : 1.83 MB


  • Of the eight CPI cities in East Java, all experienced inflation. Highest inflation occurred in Malang City by 1.44 percent and the lowest inflation occurred in Kabupaten Malang Sumenep by 0.95 percent.
  • Inflation occurs due to a general price increase, which is indicated by increase in most of the index of expenditure groups. Of the eleven groups expenditure, nine groups experienced inflation, one group experienced defecation and one other group did not change. Expenditure group which experienced the highest inflation was the transportation group at 3.04 percent, followed by the food, beverage and tobacco group by 1.56 percent, the group provision of food and beverages/restaurants by 1.35 percent, group equipment, equipment and routine household maintenance by 0.74 percent, clothing and footwear group by 0.70 percent, personal care group and other services by 0.67 percent, the health group by 0.20 percent, the recreation, sports and culture by 0.17 percent, and housing, water, electricity, and household fuel by 0.13 percent, while the group information, communication, and financial services experienced a deflation of 0.01 percent. The expenditure groups that did not change were the group education.
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