Javanese economy East Quarter III-2020 Contraction 3.75 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Municipality

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Javanese economy East Quarter III-2020 Contraction 3.75 Percent

Release Date : November 5, 2020
File Size : 0.72 MB


  • The economy of East Java in Quarter III-2020 as measured by Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) on the basis of which succeeded in reaching Rp. 587.54 trillion, while PDRB at constant prices reached Rp. 409.11 trillion.
  • The economy of East Java in Quarter III-2020 when compared to Quarter III-2019 (y-on-y) contracted 3.75 percent. From the production side, the highest growth occurred in the Information and Communication Business Field at 9.53 percent, followed by Health Services and Social Activities at 8.55 percent. In terms of growth, the highest growth was in the Overseas Export Component of 22.11 percent and LNPRT Consumption Expenditures of 2.96 percent. While the other components are contracted.
  • On a q-to-q basis, the economy of East Java in Quarter III-2020 grew 5.89 percent. From the production side, the highest growth occurred in Other Service Business Fields at 30.68 percent, followed by Transportation and Warehousing at 21.34 percent. In terms of growth, the highest growth in the Foreign Export Component was 27.15 percent, followed by Gross Fixed Capital Formation of 7.45 percent.
  • East Java's economy up to Quarter III-2020 (c-to-c) contracted 2.29 percent. From the production side, the highest growth occurred in the Information and Communication Business Field with 9.90 percent, followed by Health Services and Social Activities with 8.87 percent. Meanwhile, from the expenditure side, the Overseas Export Component grew by 13.01 percent, while other components contracted.
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