Farmers Exchange Rate Jawa Timur Month October 2015 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Municipality

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Farmers Exchange Rate Jawa Timur Month October 2015

Release Date : November 2, 2015
File Size : 0.42 MB


  • Farmers Exchange Rate (NTP) Jawa Timur in October 2015 fell 0.61 percent from 106.42 into 105.76. NTP decline is due to a decrease in the index of prices received by farmers (It) is higher than the decrease in the index of prices paid by farmers (Ib).
  • In October 2015, three agricultural sub-sector increased NTP and the rest declined. NTP biggest rise occurred in the fisheries sub-sector by 0.66 percent from 105.97 into 106.67, followed by sub-sector of Food Crops by 0.47 percent from 102.90 into 103.38 and horticulture sub-sector by 0.17 percent from 103.13 into 103.30. While the decline occurred in the sub-sector NTP Ranch by 1.94 percent from 113.26 and 115.50 into Smallholder Crop sub-sector amounted to 1.40 percent from 100.86 becomes 99.45.
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