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Reportage of the GRDP Preparation Coordination Meeting with NAS Deputy at BPS East Java Province
January 17, 2025 | Other Activities
On the occasion of this coordination meeting, Deputy for Balance Sheets and Statistical Analysis (NAS) BPS RI, Moh Edy Mahmud had the opportunity to attend. The coordination meeting, which was held in a hybrid manner with districts/cities in East Java, was opened by Zulkipli, Head of BPS for East Java Province, who expressed a warm welcome to the arrival of Deputy NAS.
Next, Nurul Andriana as Head of the Production and Consumption Balance Division of BPS East Java Province, delivered his presentation regarding balance sheet activities at BPS East Java Province.
In his direction, Deputy NAS appreciated the innovative steps that had been taken by East Java BPS to support digital transformation and public services. Apart from that, he also conveyed experiences, strategic insights, and views on strengthening data quality and the role of statistical analysis to support evidence-based public policies.
Meanwhile during the discussion, Imam Sudarmaji, Head of Pasuruan City BPS expressed his hopes regarding coordinating the GRDP release schedule with related agencies.
Next, closing this visit, Deputy NAS hopes that the Regency/City BPS in East Java can continue to face various future challenges well
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