Announcement of Final Results for Recruitment of Prospective Statistics Partners in 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Municipality

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Announcement of Final Results for Recruitment of Prospective Statistics Partners in 2024

Announcement of Final Results for Recruitment of Prospective Statistics Partners in 2024

December 15, 2023 | BPS Activities

In order to update the 2024 Statistics Partner Candidate Database, Pasuruan City BPS has held 2024 Statistics Partner Candidate Recruitment. Various selection stages have been carried out, starting from administrative selection, competency selection, and final selection. The list of names who have passed and have the opportunity to become Pasuruan City BPS Statistics Partners for the 2024 Census/Survey Activities can be seen at the following link:
Announcement of Participants Who Passed the 2024 BPS Pasuruan City Statistics Partner Recruitment

Notes :
2. Pasuruan City BPS Statistics Partners who are involved in census/survey activities will be contacted by Pasuruan City BPS as needed.

Congratulations to the applicants who have passed, good luck serving in 2024. For those who haven't passed, I hope you can join at the next opportunity, keep up your enthusiasm.
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