Pelatihan Calon Petugas SUSENAS MARET 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Municipality

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Pelatihan Calon Petugas SUSENAS MARET 2022

Pelatihan Calon Petugas SUSENAS MARET 2022

February 21, 2022 | BPS Activities

Data Friend,

In order to provide social and economic data, development data in the socio-economic sector at the national, provincial and district/city levels, BPS conducts the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) every year in March and September.
BPS Pasuruan City held a training activity for prospective SUSENAS officers in MARCH 2022 at Horison Hotel Pasuruan which was divided into 2 waves. The first batch of training is held for 2 (days) effective on February 21-22 2022 face-to-face with strict health protocols. This activity was opened by the Head of BPS Pasuruan, namely Mrs. Sri Kadarwati, S.Si., M.T with the national instructor Mrs. Juharin Mufida Imawati, SST. The training activities were attended by 22 officers.

In her speech, the leadership lady gave directions for officers to carry out their data collection duties as well as possible. Susenas, which is often referred to as the “mother of surveys” because it produces many strategic indicators, is also mentioned by him to be carried out seriously. In addition, he also motivated the officers to carry out the Susenas data collection with enthusiasm, high commitment and most importantly honesty in carrying out data collection. In order for the implementation of data collection and document processing to go hand in hand, he mentioned implementing the 212 strategy.

Congratulations on studying for the March 2022 SUSENAS officer candidates, hopefully they will be able to absorb the knowledge as well as possible, Excited !!!

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