Desk Evaluation Zona Integritas - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Municipality

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Desk Evaluation Zona Integritas

Desk Evaluation Zona Integritas

November 18, 2021 | Other Activities

On Tuesday, November 16, 2021, the construction of the Integrity Zone (ZI) towards a Corruption Free Area (WBK) within the BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan City has reached the Desk Evaluation (DE) stage. However, the day before the schedule, there was an official letter regarding power cuts in several areas in Pasuruan City, including the Pasuruan City BPS office area. Mitigation was carried out. To minimize the risk of an unstable internet connection, we agreed to take the decision to accept the offer, carry out DE at the BPS office of East Java Province.

Although the implementation of DE is not in the office itself, it does not reduce the spirit of the Pasuruan BPS team in implementing DE. The DE assessment is carried out online through a zoom meeting conducted by the Evaluator Team from the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia (KEMENPAN-RB). The activity begins with a brief presentation with a maximum duration of 30 minutes regarding the achievements and innovations that have been carried out in 6 areas of ZI development changes that have been carried out by BPS Pasuruan City in realizing WBK. Then followed by a question and answer session from the KEMENPAN-RB evaluator team.

Alhamdulillah, the series of DE BPS Pasuruan City events can run smoothly, hopefully the results of the hard work carried out by the Pasuruan City BPS bureaucracy reform team can produce results in realizing the WBK Satker title this year. Not to forget, we extend our deepest gratitude to the Head of BPS East Java Province and the staff who have provided support and prayers for BPS Pasuruan City in the implementation of the DE Implementation.
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