Food Security Index - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Municipality

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Food Security Index

Food Security Index

May 6, 2015 | BPS Activities

Census of Agriculture (ST2013) has been implemented by BPS with some changes from the previous ST. Such changes include the scope, units of enumeration, the concept of agricultural households, the population of agricultural commodities, even officers and questionnaires. Some stages ranging from a complete enumeration of agricultural enterprises, followed by a detailed enumeration Household Income Survey of Agricultural Enterprises (SPP) and the Survey of Agricultural Commodities Strategic Cost Structure within each sub-sector of agriculture has been implemented in order to provide quality statistical data for the welfare of farmers better.

As the process goes, dissemination ST2013 also be done gradually starting from the preliminary figures, the numbers remain, and the population according to the subsector. To complete it, BPS also presents some analysis based on the results of such analysis ST2013 agricultural potential of the complete data collection ST2013, socio-economic analysis of farmers and seed subsector profile analysis. This effort is part of BPS responsibility for the government to provide strategic information for decision making in terms of agricultural statistics.

Lots of useful information can be obtained from the ST2013, one about food. As stipulated by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 18 of 2012 on food then the state is obliged to achieve food security in a sustainable manner. Accordingly, the Directorate of Analysis and Development Statistics (DAPS) trying to make optimal use of data ST2013, one of them with preparing Food Security Index (IKP). Held a workshop entitled Social Analysis of Agricultural Household Economy in Jakarta on October 15 to 18, 2014, Margo Yuwono, Director of Analysis and Development Statistics and the team DAPS deliver data utilization ST2013 for calculating the IKP.

IKP data can explain the food security of a region. This index is composed of three dimensions namely food availability, affordability / food access and food utilization. Data for calculation derived from the results of SPP. Limitations of the data in this survey led to the IKP is calculated through a scoring approach answers to the questionnaire are grouped into three dimensions. The limitations also cause food availability dimension is represented only by the aspect of food security. The dimensions of affordability / access food affordability aspects represented the physical, economic, and social. As for food utilization dimension is represented by two aspects, namely adequate intake as well as aspects of water quality.

Aspects of food sufficiency views of three indicators, namely the adequacy of food supply, not lack of food, and fear of food shortages. The indicator is obtained from a questionnaire with a scoring SPP.

Affordability aspects of physical, economic, and social obtained from three indicators, namely indicators of food produced in the district, the indicator would have no trouble reaching the purchase and the purchase price indicators are not high.

Aspects adequate intake of indicators detected no malnourished children or low weight as well as indicators of the absence of a toddler who died of illness.

Water quality aspects are represented by the main source of drinking water indicators and indicators of water sources for cooking. The better the quality of the water used by the household shall keep the household members suffered poor health.

Each of these aspects is made scoring is then converted into a percentage. IKP is obtained from the average percentage of the three dimensions that have been calculated. With the limitations of the standard deviation, the categorization was made IKP area that is less Hold Food, Food and Hold Hold Enough Food High.
As a result the 2013 Agricultural Census shows a lack of household food security in some provinces. In general, the value IKP Eastern Indonesia still lags behind the Western Region of Indonesia. Inter comparison shows only Java that they are above the average value of the National IKP. IKP Household Farming (RTUP) Plant Food has the highest value compared to other sub-sectors as it relates to food availability. On the other hand there was no significant difference between the types IKP household income. That is, with an income of any kind is not a difficult thing for RTUP to get food.
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