Calculate Calculate the Village Fund - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pasuruan Municipality

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Calculate Calculate the Village Fund

Calculate Calculate the Village Fund

March 11, 2015 | Other Activities

The problem has always been a concern in Indonesia is the distribution of development in accordance with its portion, the government was very concerned about rural development. Law of the village has also been stated in the Act No. 6 of 2014. Not long from there came the Government Regulation No. 60 Year 2014 on the Village Fund. BPS plays an important role in the establishment of village funds because some BPS, one of which is the difficulty Geographic index derived from the data Village Potential (Podes), used as a source of calculating the amount of funds the village. VS team also went to the owner of the data, the Directorate of Social Security Statistics. Here are the results of interviews with the director VS Team, Thoman Pardosi.

What does the counting background Difficulty Index Geographic (IKG)?
IKG conducted under Regulation No. 60 of 2014. The plan every village will have a maximum budget of 1.4 billion dollars per village. In the PP stated that the allocation of funds is calculated based on the number of rural villages and allocated by taking into account population, poverty, area, and geographic difficulty level. Therefore, in order to precisely target the funds the government through the Ministry of Finance (MoF) asking BPS to provide data related to the level of geographical difficulties.

What are the components of the preparation IKG?
IKG composed of three components. First, the availability of basic services such as education facilities which include the number of educational facilities such as kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school and the distance to the nearest facility if there are no facilities in the village; as well as health facilities, including the number of health facilities, such as hospitals, health centers, clinics, physician practices, poskesdes, and distance or ease if there are no facilities in the village.

Secondly, the condition of infrastructure facilities such as the existence of economic, shops, markets, minimarket, hotels, banks; fuel for cooking and the presence of an agent / seller LPG / kerosene; and family electricity users and lighting in the main street of the village. Third, access to transportation such as the type and quality of roads, road accessibility, the existence and operation of public transport; as well as transportation from the village office to the sub-district office and the office of regent / mayor.

How the concept and calculation methods IKG?
IKG concept that is how the integration of three components associated with the district capital of the local village. For example, to measure the distance or proximity of a village then seen how far and how access to and from the local village of the district capital, instead of the provincial capital. A bustling village and close enough distance to the border with Malaysia, for example, can be said to be difficult if the distance to the local village district capital is quite remote and difficult to access.

As for the method of calculation, IKG processed from the data Podes 2014, which then created the index. Eg data on distance, there are measured by meters, there were also measured in miles. Well, everything is homogenized in a weighted composite index with a scale of 0 - 100. Value IKG closer to 100, then the level of difficulty geographical more
high, and vice versa.

How IKG count results?
Percentage of villages in Indonesia in 2014 was categorized according IKG nice. More than 57.4 percent of villages including IKG category 30-50. Only 13.7 percent of villages included in the category of IKG 60 upwards.

In addition to the utilization of funds allocated village, IKG can be used for anything and who its stakeholders?
IKG data will be made more detailed categorization, eg any district where the district forward and left. To make this categorization must be a referral and seminars by invited experts. In the future, this will be followed up. Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Rural Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration is the data stakeholders IKG.

How sustainability data calculation IKG?
Ministry of Finance has been told that the counting IKG BPS can be carried out every year. I think it does not matter while BPS rethink what data might be repaired and equipped in the future.
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