2015, the BPS will perform one routine decadal survey of large-scale,
namely the 2015 Intercensal Population Survey (SUPAS2015). SUPAS2015 a source of population data between the two censuses. From
the results expected to be obtained information SUPAS2015 population as
well as a variety of the latest demographic indicators. SUPAS2015 results will also evaluate the results of the calculation can be projected population 2010 Population Census results.
SUPAS2015 planned to be implemented in May 2015. To assess the questionnaire; enhance the design of books and guidelines including the concepts and definitions; as
well as test procedures and work design, field organization,
recruitment officer, and various other administrative aspects, then
conducted trials SUPAS2015 in May-June 2014 three places (Padang,
Bantul, and the city of Manado). Each region is 12 census blocks (BS).
up on these trials, the Directorate of Population and Employment BPS
conducts seminars trial results SUPAS2015 at Alila Jakarta, October 28,
2014. The event was opened by Deputy Social Statistics BPS, Wynandin
Imawan, acted as moderator is National Programme Officer The United
Nations Population Fund, Richard Makalew. The seminar was attended by the internal BPS, representatives of
ministries / national and international institutions, and related
government agencies.
Smith, Director of Census and Survey Methodology Development BPS acting
as a resource to explain in order to meet the case of maternal
mortality, the number of sample households (ruta) SUPAS2015 as much as
652,000 ruta scattered around 40,000 BS, where each BS as much as 16
ruta be enumerated . Thus, the characteristics of fixed SUPAS2015 designed to estimate the
district / city and to the variable death is designed to estimate the
minimum national or regional estimates with relative precision range of
1-2 percent.
sources, Director of Population and Employment Statistics BPS, Razali
Ritonga, explaining that the test of this realization SUPAS2015 ruta
only 570 of the 576 targets due ruta ruta not found during enumeration
period. Razali
also explains the difference between SUPAS2005 and SUPAS2015 such as
differences in sample size doubled from SUPAS2005, changes in the number
of variables to 129 variables, as well as the reference time of death
has changed from 3 years to 5 years (since January 1, 2010 until the
time of enumeration).